So. the xx. Let's not get started on how their April show at the Varsity is sold out and tickets on stubhub are being offered at ridiculous, Decemberists-level prices. I'm over it. I'm not but I"m trying to be.
I'm making the trek to SXSW to see them (probs). If I think that way, I really can be over it.
The xx sort of exploded onto the scene last year and, while I recognize my tardiness to their indie-world domination party, I'd like to offer up the excuse that I WAS IN AFRICA. So, now that every other music-obsessive has had their turn to gush about the xx, it's my turn to slobber all over their slow-simmering, sexy beats.
"Heart Skipped a Beat" is a person favorite of mine because I'm a sucker for the lyrics and the juxtaposition between R&B drum machine and indie guitars. Seriously:
Please don't say we're donewhen I'm not finishedI could give so much more
I like to point out to people that relationships are inherently unequal; someone always loves the slightest bit more, the tiniest bit better. And what happens to that person when it's all over? Where does that unfinished love go? Apparently into this verse, repeated 7 times:
Sometimes, I still need you.
And it's the way they sing it to each other, her voice so emotive and gorgeous--his, so flat and complementary: the perfect parry between lovers.
Heart skipped a beatand when I caught it you were out of reachbut I'm sure, I'm sureyou've heard it before
The xx never spoke truer words than those. And, to better serve that point, the duo repeats those verses 4 times. What a sentiment, right? Falling for someone, experiencing the slightest of delays as your body adjusts to the sensation, missing said person by inches, days, what have you. Damn it's good. This song is actually too good.
Then you've got "Crystallized", which starts out with such an ace riff. It's like, I alternately want to play air guitar and seduce someone.
What is that???? I"ll tell you what it is: Sex. Let's be honest, her voice is like an orgasm in this song, seriously. The only thing sexier is Karen O. And the lyrics? Don't get me started.
You applyin' pressureto help me crystaliseand you've got the faiththat I could bring paradiseI'll forgive and forgetbefore I'm paralysedDo I have to keep up the paceto keep you satisfied?
Um. I don't think it takes a huge stretch of the imagination to guess who's applying pressure and where and what's happening between these two. But, you know, if you're not convinced:
I've been down on my kneesand you just keep on getting closer
Then you've got the pas de deux at the end, with the vocals overlapping while the duo sings complementary lyrics. This is good stuff; in fact, this is great stuff. When I tell you I'm in love with the xx, I really really mean it.
Just for kicks, I'm throwing in their bomb remix of Florence + the Machine's "You've Got the Love"--I think it's great when remixes are even better than the originals. There's pretty much nothing this band can't do. Google them and amuse yourself with the various ways in which music bloggers fall over themselves to praise their fucking brilliant sound.
Great stuff, you took everything out of my head and put it in words.